As Jesus said in John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." Your men did this, they gave it all for others. I know I speak for many by saying THANK YOU.
Thank you to the heroes who have given their lives for others and our country and to the men and women who serve us everyday, these sacrifices are what makes this a truly special place to live . America the Beautiful, indeed! So in honor of our great country and the wonderful men and women who make it great, we are going to have a serious of posts on products that are made in the good ol' U.S.A!! To kick of the series, I'll start by answering the basic question -WHY BUY "MADE in AMERICA'?
The answer could be quite long and detailed, but I am going to answer as succinctly as possible. So, here we go, Bought.Beautifully's top 4 reasons to buy made in the U.S.A.USA-Made South Beach Poly-Wood Outdoor Chaise / Outdoor Café String Lights | Commercial String Lights, Market Lighting / Italia Pizza Oven with Ceramic Pizza Stone - Plow & Hearth / USA-Made Americana Welcome Stoneware Crock - Plow & Hearth / USA-Made Waterhog™ Americana Doormat - Plow & Hearth / Recycled Wood Bird Feeder with Suet Plugs by andrewsreclaimed
Photo credit woodleywonderworks / / CC BY