Upon closer examination, we realized that many of our habits and material purchases were likely breaking God’s heart.
In our quest for the lowest-priced-best-deals, we had been oblivious to looking beyond the price tag to see the actual costs of production: inhumanely long work hours, poverty-trapping pay, and unsafe working conditions - all byproducts of the shiny products in front of us. So, we asked ourselves these questions:What if as Christians, we applied our faith by analyzing and altering our spending habits? What if we traded the quest for low-priced-deals, trendy items, and unnecessary splurges for products that poured love into and measurably improved the lives they touched? Products whose sale perpetuated a new economy based on love and seeking justice? What kind of crazy impacts might that have on global poverty, social justice and financial inequity?Bought Beautifully was created out of our desire to act on these questions.