Britta's Shower - The Decor

Britta's Shower - The Decor
WOW! What a past few weeks. Family fun, busyness, and travel combined with soaking up the last few days of summer has resulted in this post being long over due. Sorry about that!  Needless to say, Britta's shower was absolutely amazing!  The best part by far was celebrating my littlest sister and this new phase of life she is entering with a wonderful group of women who have known her and loved her for many years!  The decorating, planning, and time spent putting everything together with my sisters, mom, and friends was pretty special too!  This will be a two-part series with today's post featuring the decor and tomorrow's post featuring some of the small details that made this a "BoughtBeautifully" shower :) So, without further ado here we go pictures from BRITTA'S SHOWER!  And don't miss your chance to win a beautiful chevron table runner at the end of the post!)

Welcome BikeMy mom and her dear friends, Sharon and Linda, are the Queens of Garage Sale Challenges and the best DIY-ers I know.  A few months ago they decided to put their talents and collection of amazing  garage sale, estate sale and "free on the side of the road finds" together to create a little business -  One Hundred Chairs Vintage Rentals.  Thanks to them we had countless resources available to use for the shower (like the adorable bike above and pretty much everything you see below!).


Drink Station

IMG_1215 Sparkle H2O


The tables
Table Bride Table 2


Dishes Toppings Caramel

 Present Time~


I just had to include this picture as it gives a little glimpse of the behind the scenes preparing for the shower; naked babies, kids dancing on tables, women chatting and giggling and lots of LOVE!! Preparations

Stay tuned for our next post which will highlight Britta's registry and the other shower details.

Sign up to receive Bought Beautifully's posts via email and be automatically entered to win this GREAT GIFT featuring items from Britta's shower:

A chevron table runner and a sample of Mountain Air Coffee from Craft Coffee (It's DE-LI-CI-OUS, find out more in the next post!)

Free Gift!Enter here:

Join us:Delivered by FeedBurner Also, a special thanks to Brooke Photography for photographing the party and sharing her pictures with us. It was so fun having you at the shower!

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