However we choose, we express ourselves in the way we send our money into the world, and with every dollar goes the energy, the imprimatur of our intention. - Lynne TwistThe Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of Our Inner Resources
What I like about this book is that it doesn't only focus on how your financial choices matter for others (workers, companies, environment) but rather how they impact your own life; that shifting our perspective about how we see money from a limited commodity to a flowing asset that can be directed to support, create and/or sustain the things we love and our passionate about can radically change our lives for the better!
P.S. You don't even have to read the entire book, the first three chapters would be enough to re-motivate you ;) Since, it's Friday, we should probably have a dance party! We have had some bumps in the road in the adoption process and this video is what helps us keeps our heads up and our hearts boogieing... Enjoy and Happy Friday.