The process ended up being extremely beneficial as through it we were re-confirmed in our passion and dedication to Consumers in Christ and are pressing on with renewed excitement and vigor!
Not wanting to let go of our desire to step away from the typical consumerism mind-set this holiday season and wanting to honor the call to support business that are making awesome impacts in the world, I started praying about what we could do. And fortunately I got an answer...
Give with IMPACT!!!
For the upcoming holiday season, we are fortunate to be partnering with 7 amazing woman in our community to bring Give with Impact, A Holiday Gift Market to the Sheridan!I am so excited to be partnering with these ladies and these organizations. I think it is to going to be a very special time and event. If you live in Sheridan - We hope you can COME! Come see these products and hear the stories, there is no pressure to buy anything. More than anything we want to share the work and the impact that these companies are having! If nothing else, you will leave inspired. I PROMISE!