Give with IMPACT

Give with IMPACT
Phew.  The last month was hard month for me; a few set backs and discouragement and  lots questioning...


For those of you who don't know my husband and I have been working on launching a non-profit for just over a year now -  Our vision is to be an online resource where consumers can find and buy products  that align with Christian beliefs (support justice, pay fair wages, set captives free, honor the environment, etc.) and support organizations that are working to impact the world with Christ's love.   We had planned to officially launch the site and open the marketplace for business in October.  Unfortunately, as October approached it became increasingly clear that the web firm we had hired to build the site was no to be able to deliver the product they had promised and that they had taken some serious short cuts when it came to the coding and security of the site.   We are so thankful that we discovered the issues before taking the site public and praise God for his hand in that.  Nonetheless, the set back was difficult for me as we had to terminate our relationship with this company and are now working with another firm to re-build the site.  We know that the new site will be better than ever, and most importantly, as secure as can be...but unfortunately, not ready for holiday shopping.  Not having our site up for Nov-Dec was difficult to accept, as it impacts our business plan and caused us to re-evaluate our next steps.

The process ended up being extremely beneficial as through it we were re-confirmed in our passion and dedication to Consumers in Christ and are pressing on with renewed excitement and vigor!

the light where you find it

Not wanting to let go of our desire to step away from the typical consumerism mind-set this holiday season and wanting to honor the call to support business that are making awesome impacts in the world, I started praying about what we could do. And fortunately I got an answer...

Give with IMPACT!!!

For the upcoming holiday season, we are fortunate to be partnering with 7 amazing woman in our community to bring Give with Impact, A Holiday Gift Market to the Sheridan! Give with Impact2

I am so excited to be partnering with these ladies and these organizations. I think it is to going to be a very special time and event.  If you live in Sheridan - We hope you can COME!  Come see these products and hear the stories, there is no pressure to buy anything. More than anything we want to share the work and the impact that these companies are having! If nothing else, you will leave inspired. I PROMISE!

We will have products from 6 different, amazing, beautiful, and impactful organizations~  AfricaSoles, Noonday Collection, 31 Bits, Creative Women of the World, Sak Saum, and Equal Exchange. Stay tuned as I will be providing all the details about the companies and sneak peeks on the products in the coming weeks.

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  P.S. - Don't worry if you don't live in Sheridan, I will be presenting several opportunities to shop online so you can take part and Give with Impact form a distance too! Have a great weekend!

Customer Satisfaction

We confident in our products and our mission - guarantee you will too!

Fast Shipping

All orders will ship within 5 business days.

Free Returns

If by some crazy chance your item isn't perfect - returns are on us!

Serious Impact

We're a 501(c)3 - so that we can invest all of our profits back into our partners!