A great new App

Is the money we spend contributing to causes and companies that we would never intentionally support?

I just found a great new app,  BUYCOTT, that can help us better understand the connections behind our products and the type of world we are creating through our purchases. BuycottApp2014-05-28 at 11

How does it work?

First, you browse their list of campaigns or create your own campaign.  Campaigns are created around causes or issues, such as, Human Trafficking, Fairtrade, GMO labeling, etc.  You then use your Buycott app to scan the product you are considering buying. The app looks up the product to find what brands the product belongs to, what company owns that brand and then cross checks that company with the campaigns you joined.  If you joined campaigns to Avoid Sweatshop Labor and Support USA labor (see example below), it would scan to find the brand's and company's involvement in these areas.   The screen shot below shows how you choose a category and find campaigns to join. Buycott

How well does it work?

I'll admit Buycott isn't perfect; it's database is limited, it is slightly cumbersome to use, and it's hard to know if the information is 100% reliable (it depends on users to input data and corporate ownership and involvement in issues is hard to accurately track) BUT it is a great concept and a step in the right direction. The more we use apps like these, the more we research the products we purchase, learn the story and implications behind these products, ultimately giving us more power to make our choices count.

When we are purposeful with our purchasing power, companies notice and the changes we desire gradually change the world around us.

Customer Satisfaction

We confident in our products and our mission - guarantee you will too!

Fast Shipping

All orders will ship within 5 business days.

Free Returns

If by some crazy chance your item isn't perfect - returns are on us!

Serious Impact

We're a 501(c)3 - so that we can invest all of our profits back into our partners!