Lent 2014

Lent 2014
I can't believe that Lent starts today! Where does the time go?  Until this morning I hadn't given a single thought to Lent, it has been so cold and dreary hear that thoughts of Easter and Spring have been hard to imagine.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABut ready or not, Lent will begins today!

We haven't decided yet how we are going to celebrate this Lent but I thought I would share some wonderful ideas I have come across :

Devotionals ~

Place at the Table, A: 40 Days of Solidarity with the Poor We have done this before and it is one of my most favorite ways to celebrate Lent. A beautiful combination of fasting and feasting and connecting us to the rest of the world. You can read about our experience here. Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa: Prayers, Reflections, and Activities for Families  I am considering this devotional. Has anyone tried it?

Activities ~

Jesus Tree -There are all sorts of Jesus Tree's out there but this one seems them most applicable for younger kids.  You can print the cute Tree Ornaments here


Doing something special each day using this cool calendar from Eyes on Heaven Blog - lent-calendar-portrait

 Do you have any favorite ways to celebrate Lent? Please share them with me in the comment section.  We are going to decide tonight and I would love new ideas.

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