Who Likes to Party (with a purpose)?

I love using the power of my purchases to change someone's life. However, I have always wanted to play a more hands on role in the process. Today, I discovered that role through Sole Hope parties!


Sure, you can buy a pair of shoes that in turn gives a pair to someone in need; but how cool would it be to gather with your friends and make the shoes yourself? You can do just that with Sole Hope Shoe Parties. Sole Hope has developed 4 easy steps to re-purpose old pairs of jeans into shoes for African children:
  1. Collect your forgotten/unwanted jeans (I have at LEAST 5 pairs).
  2. Cut out the shoe patterns according to the Sole Hope party book.
  3. Trace the pattern onto old jeans and cut!
  4. Mail the patterns to Sole Hope


Easy as 1,2,3, 4 :)!

You get to spend quality time with your friends while also making a difference:

  • Every piece of fabric you cut will  protect a child's feet from jigger infestations.
  • Women in Uganda will be provided with a job - sewing together each pair of shoes!
  • Family’s lives will be changed. The employment and training will give each woman with pride in her skill and workmanship and provide income to care for her family.

Let's join together and party with a purpose!

Not that into parties? No problem, you can support Sole Hope by buying products from their store here.   We have more party ideas coming, subscribe below so you don't miss them!
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