Rahab's Rope Giving Hope

This week we are excited to introduce you to Rahab's Rope:

actively transforming lives with God's love!

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Rahab's Rope gives hope and opportunity to women and girls that are at risk or have been forced into the commercial sex trade of India. By creating a safe and loving environment, these ladies are enabled to grow and develop physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Samiya's Story:

Samiya is a mother of three children who was widowed at a young age. When her husband died, Samiya’s mother-in-law kicked her out of the home.  While her own family took her in (something that doesn’t happen often), she had no way to provide for herself or children and was viewed as a burden on her family. These economic hardships left her vulnerable to traffickers. However, through Rahab’s Rope, Samiya learned to crochet, making headbands, hats, and scarves to provide for her family. Not only did she avoid falling prey to abusers, but she now teaches other women in similar positions the skill, affording them the same means of escape.

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Rahab's Rope reveals God's love in ways that an individual can see, understand, and respond to in faith.  The women in their centers are provided for emotionally, physically, and spiritually. They are also given basic education and vocational training.  They are then enabled to re-enter their communities in positive and contributing ways.

Since their start in 2004, Rahab's Rope has seen more than 1200 women come through their women's centers.

Wow. 1200. lives. positively. impacted.

And that is just the beginning! God is moving and their reach is growing.  Doors have opened, allowing them to establish ministries in 4 locations in India!

Bangalore • Goa • Mumbai • New Delhi


Join Rahab's Rope and the amazing work they are doing.

When you purchase these stylish products,

you are supporting multiple artisans

with income, opportunity, and the hope of a better future.


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