Sock it to me - Fair Trade Socks

I have few confessions to make: First, my son has cankles. Well, he really doesn't have cankles but when I take his socks off at night, it sure looks like he does. Sock marks from too tight of socks.

Sock marks from too tight of socks.

Second confession, It's not his fault or even his gene's fault.  It is his mama's fault :/  She has been cramming his feet into 12 month socks when he is, in fact, 31 months old. :/  Why you may ask, would a mother who sincerely loves her son do this? Well, to be honest it is because I am lazy and a little forgetful. We live in a small town so our only real options for necessities like these are Walmart, Kmart or JC Penny and since we are really trying to put our money where our hearts are, these two stores  don't make the cut on who to support with our purchases.  So that means I have to remember to research and find a place where I can buy socks that align with our purchasing beliefs...and sometimes I forget to do that.  I get excited really excited about doing this when looking for Birthday and Christmas gifts and other fun purchases but somehow socks keep slipping my mind. Until today, when I actually put it on the top of my to do list.  I am so glad it did.

Because I re-discovered Maggie's Organics!

They are a truly fabulous business doing good work. Their mission is:

 to produce and provide comfortable, durable, affordable and beautiful articles of apparel and accessories made from materials that restore, sustain and enhance the resources, including human, from which they are made.

Isn't that beautiful? And they are following through on their mission in big ways. In fact, they have the highest ranking on the Free2Work website: Maggie's Organics Free2Work Ratin Which is really impressive as I think Free2Work is by far the best resource to find information and ratings on how companies are really doing business, including information on their policies, their supply chains, and how they monitor and support (or don't) workers rights and conditions.  In fact Maggie's was even highlighted for their traceability and transparency. Read below to see what Free2work has to say about them - Maggie's Free2Work highlight So I will proudly be buying not just my son's socks here but my entire families!  I know that most of us would buy fair trade all the time if it was more convenient and cost effective.  The really great news is that these socks are not outrageously expensive.  Yes, they cost more than the 6 pack that you would get at Walmart but not that much more. The two sets of socks I bought were $7 for a set of two and $12 for a set of three (see picture below). And just think about how much more you are getting (quality product that you know about) and more importantly giving (opportunity, fair wages, justice).   I know for me, that if I slow down long enough to really think about the price differential, there is no question in my mind that Maggie's socks are worth it and that they are the type of socks I want to choose every time, even if it means changing something in my life to make that happen.  Because feels right on some many levels, including a spiritual level.  It is probably safe to assume that Jesus didn't wear socks but if he did, I have to wonder what socks he would buy? And if should consider that when purchasing socks or anything else for that matter.
Maggie's Organic Socks

If  everything I am going on and on about and the information that Free2Work provides, still isn't enough to convince you.  Maggie's pulls out one more stop that puts them ahead of the rest, they visually tell the story of their socks.  You can actually see and learn a little more about the process of production, and some of the faces and names behind the creation of your socks!

Click here to read the story of the socks and see some of the faces behind the creation of these socks.

Honestly, it feels so special and personal to feel fully informed about my purchase! Thanks Maggie's for not just making great socks but supporting a beautiful economy!! Next up on my son's shopping list - UNDERWEAR!!! Anyone have any suggestions as to where to find socially responsible under-ware? Hummmm, that could be interpreted in a few different ways :)   I'm thinking free trade and and organic.  Share with me in the comment section if you have any suggestions. Thanks! Happy Thursday!

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