UPwords - Encouragement on the Go!

UPwords - Encouragement on the Go!

Happy Monday!

The start of a new week means a new vendor intro!

Meet UPwords - your go-to cards for encouragement on the go!

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1.) Tell us about the history of your organization? 

The idea for UPwords was sparked 20 years ago when a friend was facing a life crisis and I wanted to encourage him. What started out as little sticky notes on his kitchen cabinet led to the distribution of hundreds of mini cards. It all grew from there! God has provided places to go and people to be with - gifts of transportation, places to stay and one-on-one experiences with others have been just some of the surprises He has given to me.  Oh, and He was also faithful to provide the funding to start the ecommerce portion of the business last year!
My Mom says it this way, "I don't have the need for a plane ticket.  I have a need for a big freezer for food." What she meant is that God gives us what we need to carry out His call.  She needed a freezer to help feed the hungry and God provided. God provided me the necessities to make UPwords a reality to others.  Over and over, I have experienced how He provides what we need as we are on the road of obedience!

2.) What are some of the trials and triumphs you have faced in bringing your organization to where it is today?

Trials never feel good, but I will admit that through them, my vision for UPwords continues to be clarified and solidified. I hope I’m not being too candid, but here goes. In my 1st year of getting my business off the ground, I was scammed by my web designer & product designer.  To add to that disappointment, I lost quite a bit of money by participating in a trade show that was hugely misrepresented. BUT God promises that in all things we are more than conquerors through Him. My dependency on the Lord grew, and many opportunities with others were birthed during this difficult time. I now get to work with a fabulous web designer (Cathy) & graphics designer (Josh).  They have been amazing cheerleaders for UPwords.

3.) How have you seen God provide/move/blow your mind?

Nearly every day God blows my mind as I see how He will so simply touch the life of just one person if I make myself available.
One evening, my friend and I were checking out at the register of Publix.  My friend made a 'fan' of the UPwords cards in her hand (about 6 different cards).  She said to the cashier, 'Pick one. They are different cards of encouragement.'  Angela, the cashier, pulled out the 'STRENGTH' card and began to read the scripture on the inside of the card.  I will admit, I was not ready for the response - she began to cry and tell us that we did not know how much she needed this.  There was a line of people behind us, but it was like time stood still because Angela mattered! :)
People’s desire for connection, real connection, is so tangible.  The most common phrase I hear from others is, “This is just what I needed!”

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4.) We can't wait to see what the future holds for you. What are some of your hopes and goals for 2015?

It has been a blast introducing our innovative mini cards to the public, but looking ahead, we have a few more standard greeting card lines, and unique gift ideas in the works! Many folks have the mindset that greeting cards need to be sent through the mail.  In 1994, we were introduced to another type of greeting card, the e-card.  And today?  I’m excited to present to you a face-to-face experience through giving mini encouragement cards.  You might say UPwords is returning to the grassroots of communication.  :) My hope is that God would give me the nations for my inheritance. I pray that His word would go throughout all the earth.

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We are excited about God's ability to use a card of encouragement to impact the world, and the opportunity we have to participate!

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