What She Wore Wednesday - A Sak Saum duo

Hello and Happy Wednesday! Wednesday is quickly moving up to my favorite day of the week, as doing these post is allowing me to connect with some of my favorite people and is continually reminding me of what  a difference we can make by directing where we spend our money and who/what we support with it.

The best part about the Bought Beautifully idea is that it doesn't have to be overwhelming.  You don't have to change every spending habit all at once. But by slowly becoming aware and changing one thing at a time, supporting one organization at a time WE ARE MAKING POSITIVE IMPACTS ON THE WORLD!!!!

I think that ROCKS! And I think these two love ladies rock!  Today we are featuring a special mother-daughter  duo, my dear friend Angie and her daughter Maddie.  A lovely pair, don't you think? They will be showing off several different Sak Saum accessories. Sak Saum is a truly beautiful ministry who is dedicated to the rescue, restoration, transformation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and exploited women and men.

Buy a product from Sak Saum and help change the impact of human trafficking on someone's life. Does it get any better than that?

Maddie & Angie in Sak Saum Angie has been an advocate for Sak Saum for over 2 years and was the first person to introduce me to this amazing organization. I owe a lot of my favorite finds to her.  Let's take a look at some of her favorite finds! Sak Saum Apron Angie makes the some of the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever eaten (she swears she uses the Toll House recipe but mine never turn out as good as hers).  I was not surprised to find out that not only is she a great baker but she looks adorable while doing it, wearing this apron from Sak Saum.  One of Angie's other favorite accessories is her Sak Saum purse.

Sak Saum has one of the best selections of purses and bags at amazing prices - especially when you consider how much you are supporting when you buy a Sak Saum purse.

Sak Saum Purse 2 The other really exciting part about our duo is sweet little Maddie in her Sak Saum dress!  I have had the hardest time trying to find kids clothing and products that align with our Bought Beautifully shopping beliefs.  So, I pretty much jumped out of excitement when Angie told me that Sak Saum is now carrying children's products! YESSSSS! Blue Sak Saum dress for kids Maddie wearing Sak Saum dress Maddie's little purse is also from Sak Saum! If you love Sak Saum's mission and products and want read more click here for past posts or if you want to get involved - click here to find out what might fit best for you. Thanks for stopping by.  Have a happy Wednesday.

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We confident in our products and our mission - guarantee you will too!

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All orders will ship within 5 business days.

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If by some crazy chance your item isn't perfect - returns are on us!

Serious Impact

We're a 501(c)3 - so that we can invest all of our profits back into our partners!