What She Wore Wednesday - Sak Saum

Do you know a young girl who loves to shop?

Help her experience a different kind of shopping, a kind that will make her feel beautiful on the inside and on the outside.

It is with great pleasure that I get to share a post today featuring my friend Rebekah.  I have known Rebekah as a youth leader since she was a wee little 8th grader and have watched grow into an inspiring young woman of God.

Young little Rebekah

It is so special to have relationships like this, where you get to be a part of a young person's life and then watch them transform into an adult.  I can't wait to see what God has in store for Rebekah and how she will impact the world!  Not only is she cute, folks, but she is smart, compassionate, and has a heart for justice. Watch out world! Rebekah wear Sak Saum and 31Bits Today, Rebekah's outfit features products from Sak Saum (wallet), 31Bits (necklace) and Goodwill (shirt).  Three organizations who have awesome missions and make or sell great products. Sak Saum Wallet Her wallet, from Sak Saum, is not only stylish and fun but it is also precious to Rebekah because she has a personal connection and relationship Sak Saum.  In the summer of 2012 Rebekah had the opportunity travel to Cambodia and work with In His Steps International, which is the larger organization that runs Sak Saum. Rebekah's experience in Cambodia impacted her life and gave her a new perspective:

"After seeing all the women working for Sak Saum you can't forget about it.  When you are buying something from Sak Saum, it is like you are on the mission field in some sense.  Because you are playing a part in something bigger than yourself, you are helping a woman gain freedom and giving them a sense of value as a human being.  They are use to being treated as items, being sold or bought and now they are their own person. The whole experience is something really special"

I know we can't all take our daughters and the young women in our lives on mission trips to help them gain perspective on life and things.  But we could introduce them to a new and different shopping experiences that will expand their horizons.

Shopping experiences that will leave them feeling good about themselves (in my opinion, 100% better than when leaving a mall - ugh.) and empowered by knowing that their choices can make a difference in someone's life.

Don't we all want the girls and women in our lives to believe that our choices matter? I know I do. So next time instead of heading to the mall for our shopping, let's open up the Sak Saum or 31Bits websites and read the stories behind our products and the women who are making them.

And then let's celebrate the fact by purchasing these types of products we are investing in something bigger than ourselves for the girls in our lives and women across the globe.

Sak Saum wallet and 31Bits neckalce Rebekah - Thanks so much for sharing your outfit and bit of your story with us today. We appreciate it! What did you wear today?   If you have an outfit or specific pieces that you believe make a difference and glorify God, We would love to feature you on our site!  Email us to let  us know happy@boughtbeautifully.com! Don't forget to check out all the other What I Wore Wednesday's over at The Pleated Poppy.
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