Our Mission is to inspire interactions that enrich lives, restore hope, empower people and shine God's love.
How we do this:
We bring artisan made products to a larger market so that others like you can live out your love and values by how you shop. Your purchases can support a positive and life-giving economy built on honor, trust, and dignified labor.
Every Bought Beautifully product is ethically sourced and made, and our partners are using their businesses and ministries to reflect God’s goodness and love through unique programming they undertake in their respective communities. Learn more.
By shopping beautifully you:
rescue & rehabilitate victims of human trafficking;
- show orphans and widows that they have value and possess gifts and talents by which they can flourish when given opportunity;
- create sustainable economic opportunity for artisan entrepreneurs in developing countries;
- powerfully steward the resources God has given you to bring Him glory through meeting the needs of others through honorable economic exchanges;
- play a critical role in breaking the cycle of generational poverty around the world.
Why do we do this?
Most simply put, because our faith compels us to love our neighbors as we would want to be loved. Our eyes have been opened to the injustices and disadvantages that many people face simply because or where they were born. We want to do our part to break down these barriers and provide our brothers and sisters the opportunities they deserve to create thriving lives.
We believe that every person can play a role in bringing these possibilities to life - simply by how they shop!

We are a Ministry
Bought Beautifully (BB) was founded on our belief that God calls each one of us to unique and creative service for His glory. We are deliberately organized as a non-profit corporation because we see this as our ministry and we want to encourage business traits that haven’t always gone hand-in-hand with capitalistic profitability: we care about and prioritize the physical and spiritual well-being of employees as well as the sustainable development of the communities where they live. We incorporated as a 501(c)3 so that we could pursue our mission first and have the freedom to put kingdom impacts before financial profits.
We are Accountable
We are committed in our financial accountability to God, to our BB partners, our annual donors, and anyone else who may be interested in our mission.
Every year we release a report that shares some of the beneficial impacts our partners have had in their respective area of ministry as a result of their annual BB marketplace revenues. In addition, to accurately quantifying these impacts, we also open up our books to be completely transparent with the costs associated with building and maintaining our marketplace.
Bought Beautifully grew out of our desire to apply our faith to shift how followers of Christ perceive the world’s consumptive trends. With each passing year, we have been thankful for God’s provision and the relationships we have made with partners, volunteers, mentors, and donors.
If you’re interested, please feel free to view the full details of our IRS Form 990’s here: