We're back!
We had a refreshing and rejuvenating week fasting from social media. The culmination of the week was observing Memorial Day by reflecting on, thinking of, and praying for all the brave individuals who have laid down their lives for our freedom. Their sacrificial love, not unlike Jesus who laid down His life for us, is truly one of the greatest gifts of all.
This week we have been filled with deep gratitude for the freedoms and opportunities that we enjoy, though our hearts were hurting thinking of our brothers and sisters around the globe who aren't able to experience similar freedoms and opportunities. However, as we reflected and prayed on this, we didn't feel despair, but rather with HOPE!
We thought of all the people who are working, fighting, and sacrificing daily to provide justice. There are countless ways that people are being light in darkness, and taking God's call to seek justice seriously!
The list of these modern-day justice warriors is long, and ranges from large organizations, like The International Justice Mission, Free the slaves, The International Rescue Committee, World Vision, The Justice Conference, Together Rising and more, to individuals like you - teachers, social workers, volunteers, health care providers, and people who strategically use their finances to support justice, and purchase products that enrich, empower and restore lives.
We don't want forget to remember those who are currently working to bring justice to a fallen world in small and large ways. So, for the next month we want to celebrate #everydayjustice.
Will you join us? When you participate in, or see others doing everyday acts of justice, let us know! Take a picture and use the hashtag #everydayjustice.
We will be praying over all the photos that come in, sharing and re-posting them, and we might even surprise some justice fighters with Bought Beautifully products!
UPDATE - Check out our first photo: Missi with the Food Group, working to provide food for hungry children in the Sheridan community! Way to go Missi - We love seeing #everydayjustice in action.