Fields of Hope - offering love, hope, and restoration

Fields of Hope launched in 2012

with a vision to provide a safe haven of fellowship, learning,

business mentoring and leadership training to

 survivors of sex trafficking.

We are overjoyed to be a part of the work that Fields of Hope is doing of changing and restoring women's lives in the US and can't wait to share more with you all today!  We wanted to share this quick video to see the faces and hear the stories of the women of Fields of Hope and then read on to get an in-depth look at our interview with Stephanie, the Director of Fields of Hope.

Tell us about the history of your organization:

In 2009, On Eagles Wings Ministries opened one of the first faith-based safe homes for teenage victims of sexual trafficking. We currently have a safe home - HOPE HOUSE in the Charlotte, NC area that can house 6 young women ages 12-21. As young ladies graduated from the Hope House, the ministry realized they were lacking real life job skills. In 2013, the ministry started Fields of Hope - a job skills and empowerment program in which young women are paid a Fair Wage Stipend to make handmade products while also learning  leadership skills and professional development through the Fields of Hope curriculum - Whispers of Hope. Fields of Hope also decided to go beyond just employing the young ladies from the Hope House, and now offers this program to ANY lady who is a survivor of commercial sexual exploitation. We operate Fields of Hope in Charlotte, NC and in West Palm, Fl. I continue to be amazed at how God works through the lives of these young ladies. I have personally seen His healing power at work in their lives. One young lady claimed the saying, “Girl be YOU” and said she was going to follow her dreams because she knew God had big things in store for her. She has graduated from the Hope House, and is now planning to start college in the fall. She is truly dreaming big and walking in the HOPE that comes only from God!

What are some of the trials and triumphs you have faced in bringing your organization to where it is today?

Letting people know that when they purchase a product, they are not just supporting this ministry, but that they are truly sending a message to the women at Fields of hope;  a message that they believe in what they are doing!

We know what a difference each purchase makes in their lives, and  now we want everyone else to know.

"My name is D. and I have been a Hope House resident for a little more than a year and a half. I have grown here more than I have in my whole life. They taught me to diminish my doubts and push through to reach any goal that I have. I learned to see the good in every bad situation and have a smile on my face at the end of the day. I learned here that I can do what I want to do as long as I believe in myself and have faith in the Lord. Most importantly, I learned about the love of Jesus Christ. Coming into this house I had no interest in religion or any type of God. I wanted to do what I had to do and move on to the next phase of my life. But He, like always, had a different and better plan for me. I have been able to save $1,700  by working with the fellowship at Fields of Hope! I am saving to buy my first car. I am excited about my future and I am preparing to go to college in a few months!" - FOH Fellow

How have you seen God move and/or provide for your organization?

The proceeds from our sales only cover about 25% of our operating budget.  The reminder comes from God! He constantly blows me away by helping us meet our budget needs with support from individuals through donations or grants.

There have truly been months where I was not sure how we would pay the girls' monthly stipends, and then God would send us a donation that would cover that and more. He truly does provide for all our needs.  

As an organization, what are you most excited about right now?

Reaching more young ladies! We are partnering with area organizations in Charlotte to let others know about our program, and hope to employ up to 10 young women in 2015 in the Charlotte site alone.

What are some of your hopes and goals for the coming years?

BELIZE! We have a heart to reach the young ladies in San Pedro, Belize and have expanded our borders. We have purchased a piece of land there and hope to build the SHINE Center in 2016. This center will be a multifunctional building, and will house a Fields of Hope site. We hope to continue to grow the Fields of Hope program, and offer it to more and more young ladies. We will go wherever God leads us!

 Fields of Hope SoapFieldsofHopeScrub FieldsofHopeBodyButter

At Fields of Hope we encourage survivors to DREAM big, have FAITH, and BELIEVE in a future where they have the FREEDOM to achieve all of their goals.

All Fields of Hope products are handmade with LOVE and whispers of HOPE.

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