Give with Impact

One year ago, we had the extraordinary opportunity to host our first Give with Impact event! We were beyond blessed to team up with our community and impact others across the globe!

Here are a few of the impacts that we contributed to last year!

  • Through African Soles one woman will receive 1/3 of the fund­ing she needs to start her own busi­ness. Whoop,Whoop!

  • Through Cre­ative Women of the World, 12 Women in Haiti, Tajik­istan, Mex­ico, Thai­land, Japan, Kenya will be offered a day of busi­ness train­ing or men­tor­ing!! Can I get an AMEN to that?! Unbelievable!

  • Thanks to 31 Bits women in Uganda in will have access to coun­sel­ing, health edu­ca­tion, finance train­ing, and busi­ness men­tor­ships. YESSSSSS!

  • Out of their pro­ceeds Sak Saum offers the women in their pro­gram Eng­lish, sewing, life skills and busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion classes.  New oppor­tu­ni­ties!!

  • Hlanganani will add resources to their pro­grams that offer love, sup­port, and ther­apy for men, women, chil­dren, the elderly, sick, pris­on­ers, school chil­dren, and men­tally and phys­i­cally dis­abled chil­dren and specif­i­cally put monies toward revamp­ing the kitchen where the feed all the hand­i­cap kids in their pro­gram! Such inspir­ing work.

  • Through Noon­day Col­lec­tion and Equal Exchange — $265 was raised to sup­port a local fam­ily who is adopt­ing. We can’t wait to meet  you Jeffrey!

This Saturday, with the help of (15) vendors, both previous AND new, Give with Impact is happening AGAIN! If you are in Sheridan, WY, please join us as we purchase with purpose for the holiday season! If you find yourself miles away, you can also find many of these great vendors ONLINE at!

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Serious Impact

We're a 501(c)3 - so that we can invest all of our profits back into our partners!