What is exactly Neighoborday? It is a day created/sponsored by with the simple goal of strengthening our relationships with the people around us! They have a great link, Neighborday tool kit, with free printables and fun ideas to help you connect with your neighbors. Some are as simple as introducing yourself, starting a phone tree, giving a thank you note, or (my personal favorite) having a PARTY!! The best part about neighbor day is knowing that you won't be doing it alone. Even if you feel awkward getting your neighbor's phone number, inviting them to a BBQ, a neighborhood clean up, or just having a conversation with them, somewhere out there someone else is feeling the same way. So let's get out there and love our neighbors! If you already have plans on Saturday, and they don't involve loving your neighbor, don't worry, you can also celebrate GOOD neighbor day on September, 24th. I know, everyday seems to be a "day" these days - I bet you didn't know that Thursday is Pig in a Blanket day and the 30th is harirstyle appreciation day - please do not forget to celebrate these important days either :)Do you like to be social?
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